In fiction, there is a character trope often called the “Magical Negro,” in which a black character serves only purpose in the story—to show up and help a white person get the...
In the Summers, winner of the Sundance 2024 U.S. Dramatic Competition Grand Jury Prize, tells the story of siblings Eva and Violeta as they visit their father at his home in Las...
Dìdi, which won the Sundance 2024 U.S. Dramatic Competition Audience Award, tells the story of Chris Wang, a 13-year-old Taiwanese American boy trying to fit in while dealing with peer pressure, his...
“I wanted to create a narrative that celebrated queer life, particularly queer Arab life, with unapologetic joy and tenacity.”
These are the words director Amrou Al-Kadhi used to describe their debut feature film,...
Building on their excellent, award-winning feature Sin señales particulares (Identifying Features), from 2020, Mexican filmmakers Fernanda Valadez and Astrid Rondero return to Sundance this year with Sujo, the tale of a young...
In college, one of my required readings was an illustrated volume by Lauren Redniss, which detailed the biographical details and discoveries of Marie and Pierre Curie. The book was a fascinating portrait...
Irish-Language hip hop trio Kneecap took Sundance by storm in their debut, self-titled film, and reveled in celebrating their heritage.
Director Rich Peppiatt was inspired to tell the story of riotous hip-hop trio...
A performance in celebration of performance itself, Kelly O’Sullivan and Alex Thompson’s Ghostlight explores the power of theater as a tool for therapy, connection and self-discovery.
"Ghostlight centers on Dan (Keith Kupferer), a...