Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden return to Sundance this year with a pretty delightful, action-packed romp through late-80s Oakland, Freaky Tales. The film takes its name from a rap by Oakland legend...
One benefit to a reviewer of Gary Hustwit’s innovative documentary Eno’s reported 52 quintillion possible versions is that there’s no possibility of spoilers. Practically, the film’s most significant feature is its constant...
The 2024 Sundance Film Festival officially opens Thursday in Park City and Salt Lake City, and the full lineup includes more than 80 films that will be screening at this year’s festival,...
The 2024 Sundance Film Festival begins tomorrow (Jan. 18) and my email is enduring a daily barrage of PR releases announcing private screenings, afterparties, panels, chef tastings, opening night celebrations, pop-up lounges...
This year marks the 40th festival for the Sundance Film Festival. In some ways, it’s hard to believe an event that has such an influence on film and art worldwide could possibly...
"No Welfare for Sundance + Kimball,” read the anonymously authored sticky note. The note contained one of many such nuanced takes from a late fall event designed to gather public input regarding...
As Sundance descends on Park City (Jan. 18 — 28), many restaurants and bars alter their hours and close for special events. This means you may not be able to get a...
It's summer and it’s snowing outside of the Tower Movie Theater. There are bundled up couples wearing earmuffs and sipping hot chocolate at tables arranged in front of the theater. Two giant...