Utah’s Best: The Tasting Room

Sophisticated, not fussy, fun awaits at The Tasting Room in Downtown Salt Lake

For years, The Tasting Room has been a sought-after wedding and event venue in downtown Salt Lake City. Now—after explaining to countless callers that The Tasting Room was not, in fact, a wine bar—owners Ryan and Kaleb Crafts have decided to flip the switch and lean into the name. Following renovations, The Tasting Room will officially reopen early this fall as a high-end wine bar and lounge.

The building will retain its original exposed brick from when it was constructed in the early 1900s. With all-new wood floors, lighting, and furniture (plus, of course, a full bar), the place will have a warm, inviting ambiance perfect for sharing a quiet, intimate meal and drinks.

“A metropolitan lounge,” is how Kaleb describes it. “We created a whole new cellar and built a glass wall where you can sit and be surrounded by hundreds of wine bottles.” Over 1,200 bottles of wine, to be exact, plus a wide assortment of local Utah beers and spirits.

“Most bars offer the same standard big-name alcohols with a few local products thrown in,” Ryan explains. “We’re reversing that. We will feature the best of what Utah produces, with the old standbys mixed in.”

It’s a philosophy that has launched The Tasting Room’s parent company, Culinary Crafts, to the top of the Utah catering scene. Twenty-seven-time winner of Utah’s Best of State award, Culinary Crafts has helped define Utah cuisine. “You won’t catch us making pretentious food or serving bubbles of aerified nonsense,” Kaleb says. “That’s not Utah cuisine. We serve fresh, local, seasonal food that’s classy and delicious, but never fussy.”

The Tasting Room will take that same simple, no-nonsense approach.

“It’s about bringing people together to share food and drinks,” Kaleb says. “But we also want to educate and elevate palates.” Their in-house sommelier will be available to help guide guests to a great experience for alcohol drinkers and non-drinkers alike.

Besides delicious food and beverages, the new Tasting Room will also offer a calendar of wine yoga, paint and sip date nights, live music, and more wine-centric fun. 

So now, when you call and ask for more information on wine tasting at the Tasting Room, you’ll get exactly what you were looking for, and more.

357 W. 200 South, SLC | 801-225-6575 | tastingroomslc.com

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